week 4 - We're pregnant!
week 7 - Holy Crow!!!! TWINS!!!! we heard both heartbeats
week 18 - It's a Girl! It's a Girl!
week 22 - diagnosed with an incompetent cervix - 25% effaced - put on total bed rest
week 23 - 50% effaced - hospitalized for monitoring and steroid shots
week 24 - sent home and told to see a doctor once a week from now on
week 25 - 75% effected - hospitalized for monitoring
week 26 - sent home...again with at home contraction monitoring
week 27 - 1 cm dilated
week 28 - 3 cm dilated - hospitalized for monitoring and penicillin (to prevent infections)
week 32 - 3-4 cm dilated - sent home very swollen
week 33 - showed signs of preeclampsia - now monitoring BP
week 34 - hospital triage visit due to BP
week 35 - hospital triage visit due to BP
35w4d - 2am hospital triage visit due to BP
7am doc says i'm staying in the hospital until the girls are delivered
3pm doc orders another round of blood work
6pm doc said that because of the preeclampsia, I've developed HELLP syndrome and baby B (Lilly) is showing signs of growth restriction, therefore we will deliver the babies bright and early the next morning!
35w5d - 7:52am Welcome Lillian Faye!!!
7:53am Welcome Ellyssa Rose!!!
It's hard to imagine that they've been in our lives for 6 months now! But given the outcome, I'd do it all over again.
I will soon add an entry for each girl, about their progress so far...and there's a ton to say :)
Man...I look good in blue!